Price without Fear

Why communicating value is so important

Episode Summary

After discussing value in our previous episodes, this time around we're focusing on value communication and why this is so important - actually crucial. And why you should be using Value Scorecards.

Episode Notes

Value Scorecards are one fo the most crucial pieces of marketing and sales material we have.

Customers won't necessarily 'get' the full value of what we deliver for them through our products and services, they'll have many things to think about and supplier performnce is just one. If they're happy with you they will know it, but not necessary just how value you are to them.

So it's up to us to make sure our customers really understand the value, results and outcomes we help them achieve. And if we can quantify this and monetise it then we're communicating our value in a powerful way.

This episode will give you three reason why this is so important, one of which makes winning future deals at higher prices much much easier.